Fractured Face Clan
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General Rules

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General Rules Empty General Rules

Post  Admin Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:34 pm

General Rules

Pre Game Lobby
Both teams/captains are expected to send friend requests and game invites to the opposition team. If any players are having problems connecting to the game lobby then a new players should host the lobby.

Both teams have 20 minutes from the scheduled match time to get their team in the lobby and ready to begin the match. If either team is not ready to begin the match after the 20 minutes has passed then they will forfeit the match.

Teams may leave once one side has won the match, if they choose to do so, the team that leaves first will forfeit all of the remaining rounds/maps. Teams are encouraged to play out matches.

Party Chat
Party chat is not allowed to be used during clan matches. In Black Ops there is a rather clear indication if someone is using party-chat in-game. Whether you permanently mute a player or not, their 'party chat' symbol will still show, just slightly differently.

This applies to all matches played on the Cybergamer ladders.

Unsportsmanlike behavior will be dealt with at the discretion of a ladder administrator.
Making false/useless disputes will be dealt with at the discretion of a ladder administrator.
Disputes without evidence will be noted but further action is unlikely to occur.

Joining a team
All players must have a valid xbox live gamertag in order to be eligible to play in a match. Until a gamertag is added to a players profile they will remain ineligible to play in ladder matches.

All players must be on the the team roster in order to compete in a Cybergamer match. If a player that is not enrolled on the team, or is ineligible, participates in a match the offending team will forfeit the match.

Ineligible Players Rule
Before a match if a player is inneligible both teams need to check why, and captains are responsible for making their players eligible if possible. No inneligibles can play from now on regardless of team agreements, if you play an inneligible (ex. Silver ppl) its a match forfeit.

Ineligible statuses
- Banned (cannot play)
- Joined after challenge was accepted (cannot play)
- No GT entered (cannot play, can if they add GT any time before the match starts)
- Silver Membership, usually a glitch (can play)

A captain has the power to:
- Accept and reject challenges
- Create challenges
- Invite, remove or decline members
- Promote or demote members within the team
- Change team profile information
- Report match results
- Add or remove the team from the ladder

If a player takes on the role of captain they will become responsible for the running of the clan on the cybergamer ladders. They are also responsible for the actions of the teams players in clan matches and on the cybergamer forums.
- It is a captains responsibility to ensure their players are aware of the rules.
- It is a captains responsibility to ensure only eligible players compete in cybergamer matches
- It is a captains responsibility to ensure their players do not abuse other players before or after a match.

Team Take-Overs 24/1/11
Previously this rule was that you must maintain 3 originals in your 'new' team for it not to be considered a take-over. We've realised there are many flaws in this and it is too grey to be defined properly.

We've now changed the ruling to; Your team must maintain at least 50% of the number of original members (rounding down if need be) from the time they were last involved in a challenge (when it was created) in order for the new members coming in not to be deemed as creating a new team and stealing a ladder rank. For instance, if your team had 9 members in your previous challenge then 5 players leave - the remaining 4 members in the team must be defined as 'original members'. If so and in this instance, the team has maintained 50% of it's original line-up (9/2=4.5 round down 4) so they can continue on the ladder. The 'originals' must remain in that team for at least 3 weeks after the instance is brought to the Administration's attention.

A continuing example; If your team maintains 5 members after 4 have already left but only 3 of the remaining members have been in the team for 3 weeks or more, it will be considered a team take-over. As 9/2=4.5 =4 original members (have been in the team for three weeks +) are required - not 3.

If your 'new team' meets the requirements they will maintain their rank and carry on in the ladder. If they do not, the team will be moved to the bottom of the ladder so they can earn their way up.

An 'original member' is defined as a player who has been in the team at least 3 weeks. This is three weeks up until the Administration are made aware of the possible take-over.

Many team take-overs will be subject to Administrator discretion as cases will vary a great deal, for example a team doing a hostile take-over (booting a whole team and adding in a new one right away, for instance) are punished by moving the team to the bottom of the ladder. Teams who have a bunch of players quit, join other teams and so forth - with no intention of handing their rank off to another team - will be punished but less severely.

Results Reporting
Game Recording should be turned on for all CG Black Ops Ladder matches across every individual ladder. Your recorded game can be used as evidence of your win, or of another team cheating and so forth.

If for some reason you lose the recorded data, evidence of results can be in the form of a still or video capture. The evidence must be legible, if the results can not be determined from the picture the evidence will not be accepted.

Evidence of results can be uploaded as part of the ladder challenge system. The information will be available publicly through the results section.

Disputes over results will not be accepted if one team has not provided any evidence.

If you are dishonest and lie in a dispute, you will be match banned. If you deliberately enter the wrong score to be a nuisance, you will be match banned. Match bannings in disputes are not limited to the above, they also include abuse, racism and so forth to be dealt with at the discretion of the Ladder Administrators.

Cheating is defined as, but not limited to, the following activities:

* Deliberately manipulating your connection, as the host or player.
* Using any settings that are restricted by the rulesets. Including perks or incorrectly setting up the game.
* Getting out of the boundaries of any map.
* Using a modified controller
* Playing in more than one team on a single ladder.
* Exploiting ingame mechanics i.e. wall-rub glitches
* Using 3rd party voice or text communications applications i.e. MSN, Ventrilo, Teamspeak etc

If you are unsure if something is classified as cheating or not it is up to you to check with an appropriate referee beforehand.

Jumping within the boundaries of the map is not considered a glitch. Provided you can get to the area or region on your own without the assistance of a team mate, it is not considered a glitch but rather a playable area of the map. This does not include wall-rubbing to get inside areas and so forth as that is exploiting the game mechanics.

If a player is caught cheating in a match their team will face ramifications. In S&D they will forfeit the affected rounds, in 4v4 they will forfeit a map/gametype, in TDM they will forfeit a map, in 1v1 they will forfeit a map, in Doubles they will forfeit a map. Furthermore, the individual will face bans if caught cheating.

In all cases of cheating the burden of evidence falls on the accuser. All reports of cheating should be submitted directly to the appropriate Cybergamer referee with all evidence.

Claims of cheating made in the public forum are not acceptable and will be removed.

Evidence must be provided in the form of digital video, still capture or video screenshot. Whatever is applicable to the claim.

Continual unsubstantiated claims or claims involving falsified evidence will result in action being taken against the player making the claim. Claims made by "aliased" players will be disregarded.

To make a claim, tick the dispute box in prior to entering the result. Supply all your evidence in the dispute chat.


Posts : 11
Join date : 2011-07-25

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